About Me

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I’m Nevin Vu, born in the year 1991.

At present, I’m currently working in Accenture, Singapore as a Business & Integration Architect Senior Analyst. I graduated from Monash University Australia, with a bachelor of computer science. Before this, I graduated from republic polytechnic with a diploma in game design.

I have a strong interest in programming. To support my interest, I like working on applications/product that is closely related to my other interest such as gaming.

I hope this short introduction of myself will help you get to know me a little better! Thank you!

What I Can Do:

    • Knowledgeable in JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, C#, C and PHP.
    • Work with MySQL/MariaDB and NoSQL/MongoDB/DocumentDB databases.
    • Produce using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Elasticsearch, Kibana and Docker.
    • Created game on Game Maker, Unity 3D and Unreal Engine.
    • Work on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
    • Basic knowledge of Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Eclipse.